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18:25 - 10.26.2001
Life & Money
So, finally I have a life.

It's not that I didn't have a life before. It just mainly consisted of the internet, television, and Blockbuster videos. Not that mind staying at home. I don't. I'm fine with it, really. But after a while, it's like. What if I want to see this movie at a theater and get popcorn and have a good time with some friends INSTEAD OF sitting at home, alone, eating my microwave popcorn watching the movie by myself. Can you interpret the difference?

I'm driving now, so I've got a bit more of a life now. And I haven't been surfing the net as much. My other website, Dreamland, I haven't updated in over a month. I quit my e-zine. But I have been trying to keep this diary looking nice. Trying to know just a little bit of that crap you call HTML. I'm getting off the topic...

So, me and my friend Franziska went to the mall today. (Oh, my god. Did I just sound preppy?) It's nice, you know ... being able to go places with saying "Well, I can go if my mom takes me..." That is like, ick.

There's really only one problem now: money. Being somewhat independent, and driving around in my car does require a certain amount of currency. Now, if you know me, you know that I am unemployed. I had a job for about an hour, but the chick who was training me was a bitch, so I quit. I don't know. It seemed like a really good reason to quit at the time. But now ... not so much. Anyhooooo... I'm gotta get some money! Okay, so anyone reading this who is rich, or would just like to help me out...I accept cash, personal checks, paypal, yahoo paydirect, and money orders, though cash is preferred.

I'm selling some crap through online auctions. You can see my auctions here... RawkStarr's Auctions. Mostly addy labels though. Hoping to make just a few bucks.

Well, I've rambled on enough. I'll leave you good Samaritans alone...for now.


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