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9:53 a.m. - 12.16.2002
My boyfriend should get me.
Due to my extreme paranoia and anxiety, I think I can manage to ruin what could have been a nice thing.

So often in my life, I suffer in silence.

I have a little thing that we call social anxiety. And many times, even with friends, sometimes especially with friends, I feel anxious and no one ever knows.

With people close to me, I tell them. I'll let them know if and when I'm feeling uncomfortable in a certain situation.

This is my boyfriend. I'm not going to suffer. I had to let him know. He is not going to be just a B-List friend or person who barely knows me at all. I want him to get me.

Isn't that the whole point?

Basically what happened was I was hanging out at his house with him and his friend, and he invited his other friend Tony over. Tony, needless to say, was the problem.

You know how some people, when you first meet them, you instantly like them. Within the first five minutes, you have a good raport with them and you're pretty sure that you'll get along fine. This did not happen with Tony. Let's just leave it at that.

It was then that I left. Went to my car, and to my surprise (much later) I found a flower along with a note.

After reading the note, I realized something: I have the sweetest boyfriend in the world.

And not just that 2-day-long sweetness. That I'm-trying-to-impress-her sweetness.

The good stuff.


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