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11:42 p.m. - 01.17.2003
Having fun: Julia cuts her hair.
I have been having so much fun with Julia, my boyfriend Josh, and his friend Josh (who I will call Jay. To avoid confusion.)

Playing Jenga, watching Anime porn, a little lesbian porn, and going out to Denny's for some moon over my hammys.

Last weekend, I think it was, we were all staying up soooo late at Josh's house, which Jay lives there too now.

Julia had her dreads at the time. Pink dreads.

"Let's cut my hair," she says. Josh is getting psyched and everything. Getting the scissors out and whatnot.

He cuts off a little tiny end of one dread. And Julia starts crying. Not just a tear or two. Crying and sniffling.

I shook my head. "You can't do it now, Josh."

But with a little help from me, Jay, and Josh, we got her through it.

And she's still as much of an ego-maniac as ever! I swear, everytime she's in my car, she leaves the mirror down because she so busy looking at herself.

Josh did such an awesome job cutting her hair. So, here a few photos of how it turned out.


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