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15:59 - 11.02.2001
People suck.
People suck.

I'm sick of listening to everyone else problems and being forced to hide my contempt. I'm sick of people pushing me out of their way. I'm sick of people being assholes and dickheads.

I have this "friend." Let's call her... Monica. Monica can be really nice sometimes, but everytime she talks to me, she talks and I listen. I don't mind lending an ear on occasion, but this feels like a 24/7 deal. Every goddamn day it's "My boyfriend and I had a fight! I hate him so much!" or "Damn it! I'm so tired because I had to work late and I didn't get my homework done!" Now, I try to be sympathetic. I say to her "Well, you've been with this guy a year. You love him, don't you?" And she simply replies "...Well, yeah." And I'm thinking SHUT UP THEN! Every relationship has it hardships; deal with it. Or I'll say "Why don't you work somewhere else?" And she reluctantly replies "Oh, yeah...but this job works around my schedule." Apparently not! You don't get any fucking sleep!

Again, I have to say that I don't mind listening to people. Sometimes I like listening to people; I don't know...gets me out of my own head for a bit. But when I'll try to tell Monica about something that happened to me, or something that I've been going through, without hesitation, she interrupts me to continue with her very dull topics of conversation: her job and her boyfriend.

I was sitting on the bus waiting to go home. This chick, let's call her Bitch, sits in my seat with me. Doesn't ask if she can, and Bitch is just pushing all over me. Now, I know that I'm freakishly paranoid and weird, and that maybe my "bubble" is a little bigger than most people's, but Bitch would have annoyed the shit out of anyone...including you! This other chick borrowed my cd player and didn't give it back until right before I got off the bus. It's stupid. I have my cd player so I can listen to it on the bus instead of listening to you immature imbeciles!

I said it before. I'll say it again: PEOPLE SUCK!


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