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12:14 a.m. - 09.30.2002
I've got a new job.
I got a hit from google the other day:

"How to get fired" ... As if I'm not jaded enough as it is.

To say the least, I've been pretty bummed lately. So, today I come to you with good news! I got a job!

I'm not terribly excited about it. I'm so incredibly nervous. It's a telemarket-y like place, and I have no experience with that kind of thing.

Though, I am excited that my good friend Andrea and I are going to be working together. She helped me get the job. Thanks Andy! I owe ya one.

Nothing incredibly new of the love life front. There is a guy that I'm after: Brad. He seems really cool, but I don't want to scare him away with my where-is-this-going???-like attitude.

But I'm still very glad I got this job... I've only got about $3 left in my checking account.

I can't help myself!

When I'm depressed or even mildly bummed, I have to buy things to feel better. The other day I was walking around Target for about an hour and a half just looking for stuff to buy. I don't really need anything right now, but when I walk into Target I can think of a milliion different things I really, really want. I really want one of those cool bamboo plants. I want some more pixie sticks. Soda, film, Monsters Inc. on DVD...

Once again, my first couple of paychecks have already been mentally spent.

I start on Tuesday! Wish me luck!


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